EPISODE 69: Multiple Income Streams From 1 Piece of Land - Land Hacking with Zoey Berghoff

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Interview with Zoey Berghoff

Unique stay expert, Zoey Berghoff, talks all about land hacking this episode and breaks down her 3 points when thinking of land hacking.

  1. Reintroduce yourself to the listeners

  2. What is land hacking?

  3. What is your advice to first go about land hacking/ getting started?

  4. The way you see land hacking, do you like them to work together, or do you see them as separate properties that remain separate?

  5. How do you make money off this land hack strategy of agriculture/farming?

  6. Is this something you had to apply for or did government know sheep would just roam here?

  7. How do you determine how to handle agriculture (i.e. picking apples from trees)?

  8. How would run the numbers for land hacking and suggest others best run their numbers?

  9. What were the changes on the property that made you profit?

  10. Last pieces of advice for those interested in land hacking?

Am I the Airbnb-hole?

The most obnoxious list of house rules I ever did see.


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