EPISODE 68: The Best Markets You Haven’t Heard of Yet - Interview with Kenny Bedwell @STRInsights

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Interview with STR Insights CEO Kenny Bedwell

  1. What are the top 5-10 markets you’re seeing right now?

  2. What is your opinion on investing in urban markets for STRs?

  3. For very seasonal markets that have become oversaturated, it’s hard to transition to a MTR. Is it worth it to just stick it out with a STR, or what’s the conversation you have with that topic?

  4. Is a new build truly better to invest in versus a fixer upper?

  5. What’s your opinion on unique stays in a not as popular market?

  6. Would you ever recommend people invest like the stock market? For example, is tourism was down, you suggest people buy there?

  7. Is it possible to just break even there [Palm Springs] and get into it for that strategy? Like you said, I don't want lose money on the place, but the long-term appreciation and having something I wanna visit, would that be worthwhile?

  8. How are you doing deal analysis? What are you comparing the homes to when you're one of the first ones on the scene?

  9. Do you feel like you can rely on the data alone before closing on a property or do you think you should visit a place before closing?

  10. What sort of questions or things should people think about before they jump on a call with you?

Am I the Airbnb-hole?

Does this host hate children and fun or whaaat?!


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