EPISODE 49: Managing a Million Dollar Portfolio While Homeschooling 6 Kids - Interview with @yourfamilysplace

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This week I interview Rose Tipka all about her massive acreage STR portfolio

Rose accidentally fell into this business and now runs a million dollar portfolio. Her story is truly amazing and unique and shows that anyone can succeed in this business. Hear how the journey of how she got accidentally started and how she runs their business as a mom of six!!

Am I the Airbnb-hole?!

Airbnb is the Airbnb-hole?!?! The one thing that might make me quit using Airbnb


EPISODE 50: SPRING CLEANING: 22 Hidden Issues to Address in Your Airbnb This Season (#20 is NASTYYYYY)


EPISODE 48: Asking Proper Insurance: Do We Need Cameras on the Pool?! Are Candles OK?? Can I Provide Booze?